Welcome to Still:Saving

I started couponing as a new wife in South Carolina. Our budget was very small, and I knew there had to be a way to get more for our money.

Over the years, friends have ask how I save so much money at the grocery or how I get all of my shampoo for free. This is my attempt to share the things I've learned over the years by playing the grocery and drugstore "game."

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Frugal Map

Want to start saving money but don't know where to begin? Overwhelmed by every other frugal blog that seems to pop up overnight? Confused when you go to the store only to realize that the deal you read about online wasn't for your region?

Then you need to check out The Frugal Map.

Frugal Map

You can click on your state to find frugal/couponing blogs local to your area. This is a GREAT resource, not only for making sure you're reading about deals for your region, but for getting to know other frugalistas/couponers in your own area!

Know of other blogs in Texas or the DFW area that aren't on this map - share them here so we can learn from each other!

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